Some advices about reef fishing

fishing boat algarexperience

Fishing is inculcated in human culture as long as there is memory both as a source of food and as a way of life for many.   

The three-hour reef fishing trip is carried out ¾ miles from the coast, between 20/30 meters deep, with the boat anchored and using shrimp as bait. 

Trata-se de uma experiência de observação e captura de diversas espécies marinhas (cavala, choupa, sargo, carapau, safia, entre outros). A cavala tem um corpo comprido e elegante, sem escamas, e uma coloração clara e prateada no ventre com linhas escuras irregulares que lhe oferece um aspeto de “tigre”. A choupa é um peixe hermafrodita bastante comum na costa portuguesa, localizando-se a cerca de 300 metros desta, nas zonas de fundo rochoso e com algas. O sargo é um peixe que pode atingir até os 25 cm de comprimento e 3,5kg, tendo uma presença assídua nas nossas costas em fundos rochosos. O carapau tem um corpo alongado que pode alcançar os 70cm de comprimento total e pesar 5kg, sendo que a sua coloração varia do azul esverdeado ao cinza e os flancos e ventre são prateados ou dourados, apresentando uma mancha preta na parte superior do opérculo. A safia, também muito comum nos nossos mares, tem o corpo prateado com duas barras negras (uma na cabeça outra no início da barbatana caudal), podendo atingir os 45cm de comprimento e pesar 1,3kg.  

Like all sports, it is advisable to take into account certain points for the practice of this art, as unforeseen events also happen on the high seas. The fisherman must wear non-slip shoes, light clothing and with no complexities (so that there is no possibility of the equipment getting stuck in clothing), sunglasses, hat and sunscreen. Pay close attention to the weather conditions before and during this ancestral practice, and be aware that you can't and shouldn't venture into predictions of thunderstorm, rippling / unpleasant maritim agitation or rising. The launching and recovery of the hook is part of the daily life of a fisherman, so be aware of the possibility of the hook being trapped in the fingers or in another part of the body that can damage the pleasure of fishing at the moment and take you to experience a painful and avoidable moment. 

If you are aware of the positive and negative aspects of this ancestral practice, we guarantee that you will have a magnificent day on the sea and coexist with marine life as many do not have the opportunity. Be responsible and enjoy this beautiful way of spending a good time and you may be able to secure meals for the rest of the week!

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